Holy Family Academy envisions a renewing school community that:

- is Christ-centered
- develops human wholeness and
- upholds the common good.


The general objective of HFA is the integral formation of the human person
through the development of his/her God-given talents to their optimum
thus, enabling the Familian graduate
to participate actively in the transformation of our society and
to strive perseveringly towards his/her ultimate goal – CHRIST.



The Grade School Department of Holy Family Academy aims to graduate students who:

1. promote moral and gospel values by building Christian communities, living the Benedictine Motto of “Ora et Labora” and participating actively in the liturgy;

2. have acquired basic knowledge and developed foundation in preparation for secondary education;

3. are ready to respond to the challenges of life through their acquired skills, attitudes and values such as critical thinking, correct judgment, concern for others and care for the earth;

4. appreciate and develop their physical being so that they will be an asset to the community where they belong;

5. have profound knowledge, love and appreciation of the Filipino cultural heritage and take pride in being a Filipino by showing respect to the flag, by standing at attention while singing the National Anthem with fervor, and by patronizing Filipino products.

The Grade School Department aims to achieve these objectives by:

- providing wholistic and well-planned Religion Program that will include experiences in community services, liturgical celebrations;

- providing opportunities geared towards the development of values necessary in living a Christian Filipino life like exposure to the different sectors of the society, meaningful liturgy services and the like;

- providing a wholesome learning environment for the curricular and co-curricular programs which students can explore, modify and nurture;

- building mini-Christian communities among the students which are focused on care-service-oriented activities and which will provide a healthy and friendly interaction among them.



In its striving to provide its clientele with quality Christian education, Holy Family Academy hopes to graduate students who are:

God-fearing and God-loving

- centered on the Eucharist, prayerful and responsive to others’ needs

- mindful of the Benedictine spirit of Ora et Labora in their moral judgments and attitudes

- compassionate and caring as stewards of created goods and environment

- involved in the efforts towards transformation, bringing peace, and joy in the community

Values-oriented and motivated

- attentive and active listeners yet restrained in speech

- respectful of the dignity and rights of others, especially of women and children

- generous, with their material blessings and God-given gifts, to the needy

- mindful of justice and truth in their dealings with others

- capable of discerning and choosing between right and wrong

Intellectually and vocationally prepared for higher learning

- able to think logically and critically and communicate their thoughts

- conversant with social issues that affect their country and people

- able to work creatively and productively with others

Confident and secure in facing life’s challenges

- possesses self-esteem as individuals

- able to assume responsibility and accountability for their actions

- able to cope with various life situations

Patriotic and nationalistic yet concerned with global issues

- proud of being Filipinos as manifested in their actuations

- appreciative of Filipino cultural heritage and positive values

- willing to assume their role as emerging members in a global village

Grade School


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